the visitors of this here weblog are of course presupposed to know and to understand the contextual connections crosslinking the lonesome stardust cowboy, nurse with wound, rocket from the tombs, paul rutherford, cosey fanni tutti, the swamp rats, the portsmouth sinfonia, blind billy childish, christian vander, ae, aeki, henriette and dagmar, mark and lee perry, jeanne lee, the jam and the kinks. and hawkwind, of course, derek bailey, blixa baargeld and bix beiderbecke. in come the fuzztones.
in 1985, when the fuzztones first visited europe, they were ira elliott (backing vocals, drums), michael jay (backing vocals, bass), rudi protrudi (lead vocals, guitar, harmonica), elan portnoy (guitar), and the wonderful deb o' nair (backing vocals, organ). though the cramps, the nomads, the flamin' groovies, the chesterfield kings and the slickee boys were not completely unknown to us the first european tour of the fuzztones was one rare chance to experience 60s garage punk blowing away the saturated new wave decadence of our abdomines and minds. this 60s-revival-rebellion-revolution was (or at least seems to have been) the last rock and roll revolution. there were more revolutions to come (tekkNO, the vanishing of the author, copyleft distribution, web2.0 and colour TV) of course, but this was the last ROCK and roll revolution.
the tenth of may 1985 saw the fuzztones in the parlour of zabo linde in nuremberg in west germany: and this is what they did for your and my mental health: sixty almost glueless minutes: you burn me up and down (rather weird soundquality: one channel is almost missing and there are some digital drops and pops), green slime, brand new car, wicked, 7+7 is, ward 81, highway 69, (235digitsforyourpleadsure), the witch, love at psychodelick velocity, gotta get some, journey to tyme, living sickness, gonna miss me, human fly, psychotic reaction (twopartaction), 1-2-5, loose (!!), writing on the wall, (i can't stand this love) good bye.
some parts of this concert (but obviously none of these recordings) have been used for the 1985 bootleg "lysergic love - a lovely sort of death" on (everybody in stuttgart knows why) purple helmut records. the great (in many of our senses, but who am i to scoff??!) zoran bihac provided me with these recordings and i (yes!!) can be heard begging for more...
the fuzztones live in nuremberg 1985-05-10
mp3 / 224 kbps / 101 mb
(a german version of this song can be found here...)

Say NO to Totally Fuzzy Police-like acting!
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