both tapes probably were recorded in west berlin on the 22nd or/23rd of july 1982, though an other source claims "sun ra live in berlin" to have been recorded on the 24th of july 1982 in mannheim. both tapes probably are starring and featuring the arkestra with sun ra on piano, synthesizer and vocals; ronnie brown on trumpet; longinieu parsons on trumpet; tyrone hill on trombone; marshall allenon altosax, flute, kora and percussion; john gilmoreon tenorsax, clarinette, percussion and vocals; eloe omoe on altosax and bassclarinette; james jacson on bassoon, flute and ancient egyptian infinity drum; danny ray thompsonon baritonsax; hayes burnett on bass; eric "samurai" walker on drums; tommy hunter on drums; clifford jarvis on drums; june tyson singing and beverley parsons, carla washington and greg pratt dancing on stage and through the audience.
the sun ra tapeography 1981-1985 is keeping and providing additional information on both tapes. you will find them listed as "T82.7.22. Sun Ra on Earth" and "T82.7.23. Sun Ra Live in Berlin". the music is ripped with very old and appropriate equipment from tape and compressed to mp3 with 192 kbps. the tracks are about 30 minutes each.
sun ra on earth a
sun ra on earth b
sun ra live in berlin a
sun ra live in berlin b
alternate download
sun ra on earth: (click on pictures to enlarge)


clarence williams - chocolate avenue (vocalion 2584)
Ha no! Dr Sun Ra!
Ond ieberhaubt a saubers Bleggle!
was ist mit den links ? bei mediafire kommt nix !?
mediafire ist etwas schwerfällig heute abend. ich werde alternative zusätzliche downloads anlegen, dauert aber noch.
alles da ! tolle sachen, low fi rules !! vielmals danke !!!
I listened to a little bit of this so far and I'm content with the quality. Once you no Sun Ra, the sounds just come together even when challenged by poor fidelity. I believe it was this same year that I last saw Sun & the Arkestra in Hartford, Connecticut at the East Indian Club. Thanks so much for the rare share!
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