this is what you get: the door and the window were bendle, nag, giblet, mark perry, david toop and brass (including roddy disorder and some not named); nag was nag with david toop and giblet; the casual labourers were bendle, sue, dave morgan, tony clough and ashleigh marsh; mark perry was mark perry with dennis burns, dave george and sam transmitter. the sound quality changes from weird to awful. great.
part one: (mp3/192kbps/43mb)
the door and the window - pokerville
nag - in the road / oh bondage up yours
the casual labourers - eanna is returning / out of control / something from nothing
part two: (mp3/192kbps/43mb)
mark perry - death looks down / sound of music / sorrow cried blood
the door and the window - lust / swinga
an extended german re-mix of this text can be found here: (for technical reasons split into) part one and part two.

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