in 1992
kim fowley visited germany to play one concert in berlin on the 26th of october. being fowley as kim those days he entered the stage backed not only by his wonderful musicians (chris wilson, david carr, eric, peter radszuhn and some more) but also by some naked angels who were female, angels and naked. the berlin post-squatter audience was not amused and clubbed him out off the club before even half of the concert was completed (the audible remains of that night and some tracks played at a rehearsal the night before can be found on the marilyn records album "white negroes in deutschland"), they literally hunted him backstage and out on the streets. the brave people of the stuttgart psychotick unit
metabolismus helped kim fowley to escape unwounded and escorted him to the ibis hotel. and then there in room 719 they unpacked their guitars and asked and begged mister
fowley to say or sing some words whilst they were creating some instant noise. and kim fowley did.

and here he is with andi, thomas, werner and mistress m of metabolismus fame improvising on / about jim morrison, stuttgart, naked angels and the seamless flow of neuronal dis-conceptions that flood your mind in a cramped hotel room. wonderful, dangerous and counfusing.

- berlin babylon manifesto
- stranded in stuttgart
- nolympic city (
listen directly)
- the darkest light
- human finger
- lonely telephone
- water: clean
- naked angels / naked world
- ecstacy and elimination
- always have naked women around
about two years later a 7"-ep with three of these songs in slightly and not slightly at all different versions was released
in a limited edition of 500 copies. you might know that one: but here is raw material and raw f-power.
kim fowley and metabolismus: sounds of an empty room
(mp3 / 256 kbps / 23 minutes / 45 mb / listen directly with leftclick or download with rightclick)
Vielen, vielen Dank!
Ich wusste nicht, dass ich ohne dieses Tape leben konnte.
Kim's back-up band that night consisted of: Chris Wilson Guitar, Ivan Kral Guitar,(Patti Smith Group, Iggy Pop), Mackenzie Brown Drums, Zbynek Pavlicek Bass Guitar. It was our record company & Peter the promoter who pulled-the-plug on the show when the "Naked Angels" aka Strippers started to undress. Ivan, Mackenzie & Zbynek were not credited on the album.
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