why do we waste our time listening to kevin ayers and lol coxhill? - if you are asking your beautiful selves this question you might be reading the wrong blog, bloke! why do we waste our time listening to
kevin ayers and
lol coxhill? because we can and yes we can! and for your and my listening pleasure here are some obscure tracks i found in the black holes of my collection.
in 1996 the british band
ultramarine released their version of
hymn, a kevin ayers song to be found on his fourth album
bananamour. and though i never heard their version of
hymn i bought the remixes and they are quite interesting.

the collection does not only include mixes by the likes of µ-ziq, luke slater, paul sampson, mekon and mouse on mars, but also a new 1994 recording of the song by the ultramarine big band. recorded on the 10th of may 1994. the band featured kevin ayers on vocals, lol coxhill on soprano sax, jimmy hastings on clarinet and included simon kay on organ, jay posner on congas, jim rattigan on accordion and paul sampson on guitars. your copy of this collection of re-mixes and re-models
can be found here.
(mp3 at 256 kbps, 73 mb, add-supported download)
and though this was rather nice: there is even more fun. on the 31st of january 1971
david bedford visited lol coxhill in his rehearsal room. (and all the internet kids say: "yeah! lol! ROFL & LOL!") they had some kind of fun doing a version of
two little pigeons (4 mb, direct download). and last but not least i found one minute from 1969: lol coxhill
busking at piccadilly circus and getting busted by the police as part of a "swinging london"-video broadcasted on german television the same year. well...
1 comment:
Thank you very much. I love Kevin Ayers and this "ultramarine big band" seems very interesting.
I remember being very disappointed the first time I bought their album with Robert Wyatt guesting : too much dance music, couldn't stand it. But I have to admit I'm taking some pleasure now listening to the tracks with Wyatt. I hope it will be the same with this Kevin Ayers' collaboration.
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