one way out of moms and deads were the 39 clocks: too loud too lazy too laird too soon: an unbroken non-meta version of all thinks psych andelerium: two or three fat-skinny people: with only some vat 69 in their refrigerator: too old to lose it: the loud lawd laid layers on layers: no more nordstadt-heroes: kassettentäter zonengrenze bollwerck schnaps von ahsen unterm schwanz am tor schützenfest persiko scheessel hamburg arbeiterkampf brokdorf brötzmann wuppertal wastun christine barbara tom cathy maschinenpistolen geheimwaffen zonengrenze einstein spiekeroog bfbs nwdr kbw kraftwerk man ladenöffnungszeiten haifischflossensuppe auslandstarife thiepval decken zahnpasta graaf reich jung tesla my brain hurts und untergrund und über alles there was amon düül and ulrich roski and ingo insterburg and xhol and limpe fuchs and and rolf zacher and krischke and fly and editions of you! connection, context, continuity!
and yes: the 39 clocks: live 1982: hamburg and bremen. the centers of northwestgerman un-punk in the times of un-punk. psycheroedelindia!
alright: bremen: 1982, september the second. jürgen gleue (bass, guitar) and christian henjes (guitar, bass) out on stage with rüdiger klose on drums. to find more information please follow the appropriate tag in the right column: now listen:
1 - crime appeal
2 - quiet night expression
3 - virtuous girl
4 - DNS
5 - don't split up again
6 - loose-a-hippie
7 - fear & loathe on 42nd street
8 - 39 progress of a psychotic
the 39 clocks live in bremen 1982-09-02
(mp3, 45 minutes, 105 mb, direct download)
and when in hamburg: do as the hamburgers do: live at the hamburg versuchsfeld 1982-04-23: the 39 clocks: la-dies and gentlemaniacs:
01-crime appeal
02-rainy fridays
07-heading for more
08-three floors down
09-louie louie
10-floating loathe can kill
the 39 clocks - hamburg 1982-04-23
(mp3, 73minutes, 170 mb, direct download)
Ah the clocks... what a pleasant way to ring in the new year! Hello from Austin and your old friend Gunnar from "Neglected Stairways". I am back after a sabbatical with new vigor!
Here's one for you and your readers.
Style(s): afro-ambient noise, musique concrète, minimalism, experimental
Toys: field recording, split bamboo marimba, Turkish darbuka, Punjabi ektara, Vietnamese jack fruit danmo, camel bells, elephant bells, goat bells, bone cymbal mallets, Trinidadian tenor steelpan, homemade surdo, piano, 5-string prepared electric guitar, Kawai K3, sequencer, effects, tape-manipulation, drum kit.
Spread the word.
“I really feel like my problem isn't piracy...It's obscurity.” - Cory Doctorow
very nice! - certainly stands the test of time - thank-you for sharing these recordings
thanks for these recordings!
спасибо за записи!
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