and it is emphasis on john stevens again. the john stevens dance orchestra recorded the album a luta continua in the years 1977, 1979 and 1981 and had it released on the berlin konnex label in 1994. the music gives another example of how ambitious pop music always lingered very close to the impact of free improvisation and unconditional sound research.
john stevens as the ambassador of free improvised sounds of course was aware of the side and principal contradictions of the unconscious conceptual approaches every musician or non-musician involved with his works would add to a mutual recording session and so he empowered widely open concepts to a large amount: every one was invited to do what sHe wanted to do hoping that sHe wanted to let every body else do what tHEy wanted to do. and most often it perfectly fit.
for these here sessions john stevens invited the maverick pop folk singer and guitarist john martyn, the busking soprano sax maverick lol coxhill and some other cardew and abba trained mavericks to get down and get with it: free improvised music based loosely on pet sounds and piss factory sounds.
(mp3 / 320 kbps /direct download)
This has got to be amazing... just look at the list of players... thanks very much!
Excellent. Thank you.
thank you; great lineup.
alfred venison
Truly an amazing artifact. Wow, and thanks.
-- Snatzo
this seems to be unobtainable now that I want to hear it, so thank you for keeping it available!
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