slow down. snurf and pipe a line in your washing bowl. relax. twentysix lowswelling tunes twangerating your mind if you do not: and you have never heard surfsufi music again.
the surftones, the hustlers, the rumblers, the blazers, the nevegans, the revels, the chantay's (mit apostroph!), the chevells, the pastel six and the the ramblers not to be confused: wellst and completestly unknown tracks hammered out and in and aloud from their hammocks. internal surf punk, whatsoever!
released in 1995 this cd changes hands at ridicilous prices and i thought it was time for a change: listen here and find all the joy within your lies.
(320 kbps / all scans included / direct download)
Thanks for the surf legends - perfect for summer!
And a belated thanks for keeping the late, great Lolly Pope's Tommyknockers series links alive - I have just started re-downloading them (long story) and am so glad they're still available.
Thanks, I've been in the mood for some surf stuff.
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