
the architecture of the burning cities: einstürzende neubauten: some secluded and reclusive tracks you did not even try to refuse to ignore until now

mayhaybe you are inn=terrestered in sum of the lost and hidden tracks and traces the german postkraut=inbetweenpunk=band einstürzende neubauten prouduced throughout the more than fourty years of their existance b=sides their commounlayknown hitrecords and then you've cum to the right place: hear art twentichfive not alltoo popeyoulaird peacess of music the neubauten were inwolfed with=in within the last halfof the century almost.
i foundered oil of these tracks way beyond the edges of the event horizon of  the dark holes of my vary own collection and pampered and poundered them all up for your listening pleasure. for most of the music there are some hints for fur=there exploiration and foulsome you have to kickstart your favouriot search engine by your beautifoul self. here we go.
01 - einstürzende neubauten - glas2 2001 / from for films #6 (listen directly)

02 - einstürzende neubauten - meningitis 1985 / from the cd version of q.e.d.

03 - blixa hornbach - fluginsektenvernichter 2005 (in 2005 blixa bargeld read some of the texts he found on the leaflet handouts the german tool time home improvement store hornbach sent out to all domestic homes in germany; following way down beyond are some more examples of blixa reading some of these ready=made lyrics)

04 - gudrun gut / blixa bargeld - die sonne 1996 / from members of the ocean club (listen directly)

05 - fm einheit & david link - i enjoy the simple life 2005 / from der künstler als junger hund, a three-cd-box as a tribute to the nonfluxuspostartartist peter weibel; also featuring amon düül 2, guru guru, bazon brock, günter brus, alexander kluge, erwin wurm and many others. this box is highly recommanded!)

06 - blixa hornbach - schlagbohrmaschine 2005 (listen directly)

07 - ben becker & alexander hacke - prometheus 1999 / some goethe from the rosebud compilation

08 - einstürzende neubauten - nag nag nag 1993 / from the 3=inch=cd accoumpnicing an italian book about the neubauten (listen directly)

09 - blixa hornbach - wandfliese 2005

10 - fm einheit & stein - rosettas tanz 1991 / an exclusive track for the compilation music for the 90s volume 3 advert=icing some late laid rough trade bands when they began to get boring.

11 - einstürzende neubauten - maifestspiele (ostinato-remix) 1997 / from the double cd king size dub volume 3 featuring tote hosen, kastrierte philosophen and fettes brot

12 - die krupps - new temptation fm-einheit-remix 1994 / from the final remixes

13 - der favorit - gott schütze die bundesrepublik deutschland 1981 / featuring marc chung, alex dill and the pope this 1981 recording is rather obscure and as annoying as it could be (listen directly)

14 - blixa hornbach - quarzitpolygonalplatten 2005

15 - einstürzende neubauten - party trilogy 1999 / exclusive track for the soundtrack to sonnenallee

16 - palais schaumburg - telefon (with fm einheit) 1981 / i love it! (listen directly)

17 - blixa bargeld - ein gleiches 1999 / some more goethe from the rosebud compilation

18 - blixa hornbach - fuchsienstämmchen 2005 (listen directly)

19 - alexander hacke - stahlmusik leger 2001 / from for films #6

20 - matador - stop in the name of love (with alexander hacke) 1989 / from the sun album

21 - blixa bargeld - soul desert 1999 / from das gibt's nur einmal (listen directly)

22 - blixa hornbach - feuchteschäden 2005

23 - einstürzende neubauten - goes without saying 1999 / exclusive track for the soundtrack to sonnenallee (listen directly)

24 - blixa hornbach - zementschleierentferner 2005 /

25 - einstürzende neubauten - fraqmint bochum 1982/ found somewhere on the www in 1999 (listen directly)

(mp3 / all scans included / direct download)


Unknown said...

Bound to be an education in sound! Thank you...mike from Vermont

dormouse said...

Alles ok ? Schon lang nix neues auf diesem erstklassigen unterhaltsamen blog...immer wieder gerne gelesen und gehört. Danke und alles Gute !