and john stevens again: one of the most inspiring musicians and mentors in the worlds beyond popular-not-pop music. he was the drummer for the wonderful "we love you beatles, oh yes we do"-session, sat in with yoko and john, proselytised julie driscoll, founded the militant impounding basin for soft machine and was a subtle influence on the failure mode and effect analysis of more than 300 records that have been released from 1963 throughout all the years until today.
in a previous post we collected more subjected matter for you to linger on.

today you may listen to an other rare german 1993
konnex release of john stevens works: "
big band and quintet" is a collection of four tracks from 1971 and 1975 john stevens recorded with the likes of kenny wheeler, ian carr, john marshall, julie driscoll, maggie nichols, trevor watts, karl jenkins, pete lemer and many others: open on impact: peel slowly and listen!
john stevens works - big band and quintet
(320 kbps / direct download / scans included)
Sorry, das war kein Kommentar zu Eurem post, sondern zu fuckin Stuaget 21.-
Gebt uns Schleswig- Holsteinern einen Teil der Zu- kommenden- Schulden, hier sind die Leute genauso blöd wie bei Euch; vielleicht hilft das mental `n bißchen...-
Danke für Eure Mühe !!!
Many thanks for this and Touching On. As well as being a visionary John Stevens was a great drummer.
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