i must admit i never read all too much poems by gary snyder myself because most of the time he was predrowmineuritated by the loudmouths of ginsberg, burroughs, ferlinghetti or even kerouac, the most hackneyed of them all. but snyder would never mind or even care.
in 1974 michael köhler recorded some selected poems read by gary snyder himself (though this is not mentioned explicitly on the release) to be edition number 42 (!!!) on the german s-press tape-label in 1975. the tape remained widely unnoticed, there is only very few additional information to be found on the web, and even discogs does not mention it in the s-press discography. burst never mind nevermind: i unearthed my copy of the tape and will share it with you.
this is what you want, and this is what you get:
from riprap (boston 1959)
mid-august at sourdough mountain
milton by firelight
riprap (listen directly)
from myths & texts (new york 1960)
this poem is for birds
this poem is for bear
this poem is for deer (listen directly)
from the back country (new york 1968)
beneath my hand and eye the distant wills
through the smoke hole (listen directly)
from regarding wave (new york 1970)
the wide mouth
song of the taste
burning island
regarding wave
revolution in the revolution in the revolution (listen directly)
long hair
from turtle island (new york 1974)
pine tree tops
why truck drivers rise earlier than students of zen (listen directly)
download selected poems by gary snyder
(mp3 / the complete reading uncut plus te five tracks i separated for your listening pleasure / scans included / direct download)
About Kerouac....FUCK YOU
wow and thanks! Went to Gary Snyder reading in 80s- its always better to hear someone read their work than read it yourself- looking forward to this...
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