
friedrich gulda live in 1986; playing chopin, singing artmann, interacting with limpe fuchs; plus some bonus tracks featuring paul fuchs and klaus weiss: chopin and beyond...

friedrich gulda was born in vienna on the 16th of may 1930 and died untimely on the 27th of january 2000. most of you will of course know that he was a stand-offishly taken in interpreter of classical piano music, but some of you might not be aware of his excavations and disruptions he despairingly added to his bourgeois background to elude the regnant concept of upper class culture. his closemouthed cracks and aimings at "jazz" in the late sixties of the last century and some heavy-handed outbursts into double quoted "free improvisation" always were shadowed by his beethoven squeezed and stockhausen press-ganged cultural and historical backgrounds.

there is almost no evidence on the worlwideweb to be found that this=here cd "chopin and beyond..." really does exist (discogs does not list it with gulda=himself or with the amadeo label, but amazon japan at least has a picture of this completely unavailable cd), but it does. it is a live recording of a concert friedrich gulda executed on the 13th of july 1986 in munich playing some chopin, singinging some some lyrics by h.c.artmann and interacting in free improvisation with limpe fuchs (some parts of this performance can be found on the arthouse dvd "chopin and beyond...", by the way). this is followed by some 25 minutes of anima sound with paul and limpe fuchs from 1973. for your listening pleasure i added some conventional free jazz gulda played in 1971 with klaus weiss on drums to cd 1 and some more anima from 1972 to cd 2; both tracks can be found on the 5-cd-set midlife harvest. to find out more about gulda's struggling attempt for free music you might want to read what i wrote in this=here blog some twelve years ago about his album "liberation" with ursula anders and günther rabl, and of course listen to it.

cd 1

01-09 chopin por ma douce (gulda, piano)
(listen to track 02 and track 07)

10-16 epitaph: h.c.artmann / f.gulda / f.chopin (gulda, piano and voice)

17 - duo with klaus weiss on drums (11th of february 1971, munich) 

cd 2

01-05 consonanza personale (gulda, piano and flute; limpe fuchs, percussion and voice)

06-09 new age suite (gulda: clavichord,e-piano, flute, voice / limpe fuchs: percussion, zither, voice / paul fuchs: harp, saw, zinken, blech)

10 - anima in heidelberg 1972 (friedrich gulda, limpe fuchs, paul fuchs)

(mp3 / all scans included  / direct download)

1 comment:

argh said...

never heard this of Goulda. great Job!